Cort Dial | From Heretics to Heroes

How to Lead a Business, a Cause, or a Movement

Cort Dial is an author, entrepreneur, investor, and performance coach. He developed the All-In Leadership methodology, which will enable you and your business to reach heights never before imagined.

This episode is for leaders who stick to their beliefs even though some of those beliefs might not be popular choices. This is for leaders who are not afraid to shake the status quo.

Cort told a very personal story that he kept secret from his wife. His wife found out about this story only after she read his book… over 30 years after it happened! Listen to Cort narrate the incident that started his life’s mission.

If you want to be in the top 1%, you have to be willing to be, do, and say what the other 99% are unwilling to do. – Cort Dial

When asked about leadership, this is Cort’s unique insight: The best leaders lead from a future that they’re inviting others to help them realize. They don’t lead into a future because they’re already there.

The most effective leaders are those who bring their whole selves – their faith, values, and passions – into every part of their life. – Cort Dial

Cort pointed out that most organizations won’t listen to you until you think and speak like they do. But the “newbie” is extremely valuable because he sees things with a fresh pair of eyes. And to be a “heretic” – a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted – you need to have courage, because you might not even have evidence that your idea would work.

Commitment is a conscious choice to eliminate any choice but going forward. – Cort Dial

As a final piece of advice, Cort shared this simple but important question: During critical moments at work or in any aspect of life, ask yourself, “Who do I need to be in this moment to be my most effective?”

What You’ll Learn

  • Cort’s “watershed moment” that developed his entire philosophy
  • Cort’s All-in Leadership methodology
  • How to figure out “the right path”
  • Cort’s “A Day in Your Life of Bliss” exercise
  • A simple but very effective tactic to bypass superiors who are stifling one’s progress
  • To understand he difference between drifting through life and living an intentional life, watch the movie “F______ G___”



Cort Dial believes in the American Dream — that all people deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His mission is to protect and support that dream for as many people as possible.

An accomplished author, entrepreneur, and investor, Cort Dial has advanced his mission through three initiatives:

Personal Financial Planning: Many Americans’ prospects for retirement have changed since the recession of 2008. Never one to sit on the sidelines, Cort Dial once again rolled up his sleeves to find a solution. He now offers superior financial products and expert portfolio guidance to people of all income levels.

Youth Character Development: Cort Dial is the primary investor and co-founder of TRPD Baseball in Austin, TX. Far more than a baseball training organization, TRPD aims to utilize the game of baseball to develop players into exceptional young men.

Business Safety & Performance: Over the past three decades, Cort Dial has saved thousands of lives