Stumbling Toward Eternity / Josh White

Josh White is the author of Stumbling Toward Eternity: Losing and Finding Ourselves in the Cross of Jesus, as well as being an acclaimed speaker, recording artist, writer, and founding and teaching pastor of Door of Hope. Josh has recorded multiple worship albums,...

The Gift of Disillusionment / Peter Greer

More than ever before, pastors and Christian leaders are feeling anxious, cynical, anddiscouraged, especially at prospect of long-term ministry. According to a recent Barna survey,38% of pastors have indicated even leaving full-time ministry. Join author Peter Greer...

Glad To Be Here / John ‘Gucci’ Foley

Since 2015, John has been recognized as one of the top 10 most in demand speakers. He has spoken to some of the highest performing organizations in the world such as Google, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Mercedes-Benz, BMW,and many others. John is also the...