Coaching According to Ramstead

Leaning on his military, Fortune 500 and tech start-up background, John has developed a flight plan to the successful mission.

Clearly define the

mission’s purpose,

goals & values

Understand the barriers

to achieving the mission

Develop a custom

action plan to 

ensure success



Provide feedback on

major roadblocks

Those simple criteria for success may appear easy, but they require extraordinary skill and training to think through and execute. These are the fundamentals John brings with him to his coaching role with every client.

“John is the best strategist I have ever met. He has taught me how to be more strategic with my relationships, and that has impacted my work and how I approach business and life.”

- Norton Rainey

Executive Director, ACE Scholarships

Executive Coaching

As an executive, small business owner, or entrepreneur, uncertainty is constant, and it can either hinder you or propel you forward. It all depends how you
respond to it. As an executive coach, John helps people manage change in their leadership roles at work and at home. The results make increased dividends in every aspect of your life.


Client’s gain:

  • Increased competency at work and at home
  • Greater fulfillment
  • Deeper peace of mind
  • Invigorated careers and lifestyles
  • Higher levels of achievement and self-satisfaction

If you’re seeking a healthy balance between professional development and personal growth, coaching can help bring those pieces together.
CONTACT John and discover the impact he can have on the completion of your life.

Group Coaching

Group coaching offers additional elements to the coaching session that cannot be found in one-on-one coaching. The different strengths of individual team members can create a powerful synergy that inspires its participants to realize their collective goals. A sense of solidarity and fellowship is also enjoyed by a team who forges long-term friendships as they pursue mutual goals. Group coaching offers additional elements to the coaching session that cannot be found in one-on-one coaching. The different strengths of individual team members can create a powerful synergy that inspires its participants to realize their collective goals. A sense of solidarity and fellowship is also enjoyed by a team who forges long-term friendships as they pursue mutual goals.


The following are the group coaching courses offered:




Decision Making Made Easy

Enables participants to make wiser decisions based on a shared value system



Setting Limits with Professional & Personal Boundaries

Offers instant results by replacing patterns of behavior that sow disconnect, pain and frustration with positive habits that greatly boost productivity



Thriving in Times of Uncertainty & Change

Inspires a life of joy and fulfillment as participants achieve new perspectives on their spiritual odyssey



Stretched Too Thin with Too Many Demands?

Enables participants to better manage their time, people and responsibilities while maximizing their efforts in what counts

“I think of John as a brother. He has a remarkable heart and has made a profound impact on my life and career. He has contributed in meaningful ways and you can sense the authenticity in his presence.”

- Jay Cleary

President, Bridge Financial Group

“John Ramstead’s distinguished business and leadership experiences, coupled with challenging life experiences and training, make him uniquely qualified to help others who are serious about maximizing their personal and professional potential.”

- Jane E. Norton

Colorado’s 46th Lieutenant Governor


Reach Out to Schedule an

Exploratory Strategy Session: 30 minutes – Gratis


Email or Phone (303) 514-3489

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