Coaching a Dream
The first day of combat As the engines of my F-14 roared to life I was asking myself a question: “Are you ready for this?” I was about to launch off the U.S.S. Independence for my first combat sortie into Iraq. I became consumed with the checklists that would ready my...

How to create daily miracles in your life
What if a miracle just happened? You wake up one morning and everything about your life, your business, your finances and your relationships were as you always dreamed. What would you notice? I believe that future exists and we were born with the key to unlock it....

5 Reasons working in your core values creates velocity
Creating a life, business and relationships that are extraordinary start from one place Halftime Have you ever woke up in the morning and wondered: What about my life is thriving and how do I achieve a life of meaning? Recovering from an accident that should have...

5 Books that helped me get through hell
When the unthinkable happens - when tragedy strikes - it is just the beginning of a long process The Accident The horse I was on bolted and took off like a shot. I was terrified. At a full gallop he bucked me off into a steel fence. Laying there looking up at the...

How these Key apps that make my home office rock
Starting Fresh When I set up my home office reality hit me in the face. I am the IT guy. Staring at my computer screen with Outlook and Excel running it was painfully obvious, this will never work to run a business. I have always had an outlook server. Now I’m the...

Life’s Crucibles
Just steps away from becoming a U.S. Navy fighter pilot my close friend Steve made a fatal mistake. Unfortunately, when his jet approached the aircraft carrier something went dramatically wrong and he ended up crashing into the back of the boat.Walking away...
Who are we really remembering today?
This morning I watched Gen. Keane recount his last day in uniform. It was spent at Arlington National Cemetery where he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Here was a man recounting 40 years of service and his fallen comrades. It was clear this memory...
Growing through challenges
Being your own boss can be a joy and a burden. You are responsible for tough decisions about how to lead and grow others when the way forward is foggy. Staying relevant during an economic downturn can be all consuming. It is never smooth sailing, so learning to...
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