
Equip and inspire leaders to accomplish what God has inspired in them.

Work with John to discover your strengths, clarify your mission and discover ‘the why‘ you are driven to achieve. John will help you uncover these truths and establish your own priorities to achieve what William James called “the life worth living.”

Are you:

  • Looking to improve your performance in business and in life?
  • Looking for meaning in your relationships?
  • Ready to experience the fulfillment that comes from living out your purpose?

Everything John does is customized to you and your company. He will get to know you deeply, listening intently to your business issues, and probe into your life and what drives you. Only after that process does he develop a strategic plan with you.

John writes, “As an executive, small business owner, or entrepreneur, uncertainty is a certainty, and it can either hinder you or propel you forward. It all depends on your response to it.”

As an executive coach, John empowers you as a leader to enhance your life at work and at home. The results will yield increased dividends in every aspect of your life.

  • Increased competency at work & at home
  • Greater fulfillment
  • Deeper peace of mind
  • Invigorated careers & lifestyles
  • Higher levels of achievement & self-satisfaction

Beyond Influence

Ignite Your Life & Legacy

Listen to John Ramstead share this powerful message from the Strategic Philanthropy Global Summit


“There are people who are good and then there are consummate professionals who make you better. John is the latter.”

- Greg Londo

Bernstein Global Wealth Management

Curriculum Vitae

There are those rare moments when substance, subject matter and a personal story coalesce and create inspiration. John Ramstead’s is one such story. A native Minnesotan, John attended St. Thomas Military Academy where he developed a love for military history (especially WWII) and became immersed in ROTC. Graduating at the top of his class in high school, a theme repeated many times in his academic and professional life, John was accepted into the Naval Academy, but opted for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At RPI, John studied electrical engineering and computers at the sub-atomic level. Again, John made Dean’s List and graduated RPI in the top third of his class.

“Find the best, the ace of the base, get to know him. Then ask him how he does it.”

- John's Dad

Strike Fighter Weapons School: It was clear through his college career and young-adult life that John wanted to serve his country. In pursuit of that goal, he spent a month on a submarine, but hated it. Undeterred, John was 1 in 10,000 to apply to the US Navy Flight School and got in. That, like several other important milestones, changed John’s life. When he arrived at flight school surrounded by extraordinary competitive peers, his father made a suggestion. “Find the best, the ace of the base, and buy him a beer. Then ask him how he does it.” John followed his father’s advice and developed a friendship with fellow student pilot John Foster – the best of the best. Foster’s advice, recognize that the best pilots are not the best athletes, but the best students. You have to remember stacks of data and index information at 400 miles an hour. The guy who can do that, can be the best. This approach helped John to go on to beat all of Foster’s scores, graduate #1 in his class and #1 in Naval Aviation Training Command allowing him to be the only graduate to get his choice of aircraft. John went on to serve our country by flying combat sorties in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm. Over the following few years, John became a flight instructor, teaching America’s “best + brightest” to fly as he did. Of 40 elite pilots, John was selected for one of two spots at TOPGUN, the most advanced, competitive and elite fighter pilot training program the world over. He wasn’t able to attend due to softball accident where he sustained nerve damage to his eye.

Things happen for a reason: John would go onto a highly successful career as an entrepreneur in the tech space, spending time at Focus Technology in the data mining field and then EMC2, focusing on their $1B and above client portfolio. Regular 70 to 80 hour a week work schedules were common. Long days away from family and other important things began to take their toll. John began to ask a lot of penetrating questions about what he was good at and re-evaluated how to accomplish those goals. Transitioning from tech into financial services and planning, John has held several senior positions at Bernstein Global Wealth Management and Financial Designs, where he was a respected colleague and major contributor to those firms’ success.

Then came the accident. In 2011, John was thrown several feet from a galloping horse, impacting a fence. His doctors have told him he is nothing less than a living miracle. Twenty surgeries, six titanium plates later, and the likelihood that he would not live, John is not only here, he is thriving. His thinking and analytical capacity is operating at the same advanced level as before, but the accident shifted something profound in John and his outlook.

A calling: John believes that his life has been spared so that he can pursue his life work – to give back to other leaders what has been given to him. Having been a successful, proven leader of men and women, whether as part of executive teams or as a combat veteran, John has a unique perspective on establishing a template for success that goes beyond achieving financial goals and the mission.

John’s perspective is unique in that it not only encompasses critical performance metrics, but also critical life aspects of balance, family, happiness, joy and laughter. John was born to lead. He has proven his valor and ability on the battlefield and in the boardroom. His aim is to apply those skills to other leaders struggling to find clarity and happiness in the pursuit of their own success, and enjoy those things that matter most.

Strategic thinking, leadership skills, development and execution – these form the framework for John’s approach. But John’s coaching style and methods go well beyond how to write and execute a brilliant plan. His message is about living life fully, making a lasting contribution, and understanding not only the how, but the why we are driven to achieve. He helps uncover these truths for his client-leaders and helps them to establish their own priorities to achieve what William James called “the life worth living.”

Reach Out to Schedule an

Exploratory Strategy Session: 30 minutes – Gratis


Email john@johnramsteadcoaching.com or Phone (303) 514-3489

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