Prayer for Those in Poverty

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God has called Chris Kilcullen to pray for poverty, which is something that has been very impactful in his life. In 2008, Chris lost everything. He and his family struggled with basic everyday needs, so those in poverty are really on his heart.

Several years ago, Chris heard a message that God wants our time, our talent and our treasure; and when we give that, we’re giving to Him.

Matthew 25:40 says: “When you give to the least of these, you have given to me.”

When Chris heard that, it resonated with him and he started to give. God not only wants our time, our talent and our treasure; He wants them when it’s hard to give them.

Chris is praying that we as a country, and more importantly, we as believers stretch ourselves and give.

Our country is heading into a very difficult economy. Many people are talking about this, this K-shaped recovery, because the people that already have are going to continue to do well. The people that are going to fall further down on the chart.

If you’ve got money, you could invest in the people that don’t.

We all need to pitch in, and give our time, our talent and our treasure, because poverty is only going to get worse. Kitchen One for One is a great example: a nonprofit food truck, and they serve the least of these.

That’s what Chris is asking you to do.

Join your friends, join your small group, find somebody you know, and get out there and actually do something. It’s time that we as Christians stop telling people what they’re doing wrong and start doing what we know is right.

Please join him in praying that we as a Christian community can join together and look for ways that we can help with poverty.

God bless you.


Christopher H. Kilcullen

Most of Chris’s career has been spent in hotel development, brokerage and private equity with a few years learning to loose money in the restaurant business….Over the past 10 years he has used his gifts and passion for food with ministry work to engage the Kingdom by providing dignity and food to the impoverished and homeless segments of the Denver community.


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