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Today our prayer leader is Joe Battaglia. Joe has been a journalist, broadcaster and author throughout his career.
His prayer today is for the return to journalistic purity in our media.
Joe taught journalism and has a deep respect for the classic role of the journalist, which he defines as “to illuminate what others cannot see.”
Journalism used to be about observation and interpretation. The journalist’s responsibility has always been to state nothing more than the truth and nothing less than the truth; anything other than that is not the truth, it’s an agenda.
Unfortunately, today’s media personalities have become seething advocates of ideology, not truth; whether liberal or conservative, it’s equally distasteful. The media mountain is vitally important to God, simply because truth is so vital to our faith.
In John 14:6, Jesus states that He is the truth and that the universe God created operates because of absolute truth. To present anything other than that is to deny what God has created.
Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Our media should be committed to asking the same question today.
To properly understand a Biblical frame of reference for Joe’s future work in media, he created a working Biblical definition of his profession after graduating college. He went back to the original Greek language to see what words were used to describe concepts of communication.
Interestingly, the words most often used were “logos” and “koinonia.” We know that Jesus was referred to as the logos, which is the highest embodiment of truth and logic, and koinonia is about establishing community, making things common.
Joe’s role is to use truth and logic to make messages understood. Those Greek words describe the highest form of communication and it is God’s desire for those that speak to the masses to speak truth.
Father, your Word asks those of us in the media to seek after truth and to create a common link to our audience with the highest principles of logic and accuracy.
Work in the hearts and minds of our media to see what once was so apparent.
Help us to become once again translators of what is true, according to your Word. Amen.
Joe Battaglia
Joe is the founder and president of Renaissance Communications, a media company whose mission is to provide media platforms for gifted
communicators of Biblical truth. He is an executive producer of the nationally-syndicated radio program “Keep the Faith,” the #1 faith-based music radio show in the country, heard nationally in over 200 markets and numerous countries overseas with a weekly audience of 1.5 million.
Joe has been heavily involved in the promotion of successful hit movies to the faith-based marketplace, such as The Passion, Soul Surfer, War Room, Miracles from Heaven, and I Can Only Imagine.
Joe is the author of Make America Good Again; Unfriended: Finding True Community in a Disconnected Culture; and The Politically Incorrect Jesus, all published by BroadStreet Publishing.