A Prayer for the Unborn

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Today, Joseph Dalton is leading us in a prayer for the unborn. Joe is the founder of Pregnancy Resource Center of Rolla, MO and In His Image Ultrasound. He has spent the last 22 years in pro-life work; he and his wife, Jane, have assisted in the founding and startup of 12 other pregnancy centers in Missouri and have helped over 100 centers add ultrasound services to their ministry. Since the Rolla center opened in 2007, more than 3,300 babies have been saved from abortion, while only 9 have been lost.

Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God; this includes those that are not yet born.

We are all important to Him and He loves each of us equally.

Psalm 139 says:

For you created my innermost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Let’s pray together:


Sweet Jesus, we come to you to pray for the most innocent and helpless among us…for those that are not yet born. We know that no one really wants to have an abortion; they just feel like they have no other choice.

Lord, we pray that you will touch each of their hearts so that they will choose life.

At the same time, we pray that you will raise up your servants to come alongside these mothers and fathers, to help them with whatever they need, so that they don’t have to do what they don’t want to do in the first place.

Lord we pray for our pregnancy centers of our nation, that You would bless them financially, so that they would have the means to help these men and women so that they don’t have to choose abortion.

Lord, we pray for all staff members that are going to meet with those considering abortion today, that you would be with them; that you would fill them with the Holy Spirit; that you would give them the words to say; and the questions to ask, so that they would choose life for their babies.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Joseph Dalton

Joseph has spent the last 22 years in pro-life work. He the proud father of 11 children, the founder of Pregnancy Resource Center of Rolla, In His Image Ultrasound and most importantly, he is Jane’s husband. He and Jane have also assisted in the founding and startup of 12 other pregnancy centers in Missouri and have helped over 100 centers add ultrasound services to their ministry. Since the Rolla center opened in 2007, more than 3,300 babies have been saved from abortion while only 9 have been lost.


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