Prayer for Transformation

As believers that we are supposed to have influence and help with transformation in our own lives and with the people around us.

So I’d like to do a prayer of what I’ve seen God say in the Bible. I’d like to connect some of those prayers together around our own personal transformation.


Father we love you. We honor you. Jesus. We worship you. We exalt your name above all names. Father, thank you for making each one of us, one of your dearly loved children.

Jesus be the Lord of our life today in new ways, reveal the fullness of your majesty at the father’s right hand honor and glorify yourself by living in, and through each one of us, change us any way you want.

Wash clean of every sin. Fill us with the power of your spirit. Keep us from evil that we would not cause pain to others.

Give us the courage to be humble. The humility to be courageous, continue to teach us how to love and forgive unconditionally. Fill us with your wisdom. Discern that knowledge and understanding.

Give us an insatiable thirst, an uncontrollable hunger for you, your word in your ways in Jesus, that each one of us would be walking, breathing instruments of your love and grace, mercy and truth, justice and righteousness.

And that one day we might be the answer to your prayer that we could walk together and show others how to walk together as one and the world would believe that the father sent you and know and believe that you sent us.

And as we walk out our daily lines, that we might be the answer to someone else’s prayer, that we might be the angel that you sent to answer the prayer that would bring them closer to you or define your son.

And today, as we lay our heads down and we go to sleep tonight that we might be just a little bit more like you she’s just, and we were this morning when we woke up and tomorrow morning, wake up just a little bit more like you.

So father show us how to walk together and that unity of your spirit in the unity, in your love that you would be forced to command your blessing on the people that are listening to and praying this prayer.

Thank you for hearing every prayer. Always listening, always pouring out. We love you. We honor you. We worship you. We adore you. And we ask these things in the name of Yaweh, in the mighty name of Jeshua and in the power of your spirit. Amen.

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Ford Taylor

Ford Taylor is a leadership solutions trainer, strategist and speaker. With a primary emphasis on the people that serve an organization while simultaneously maintaining a clear focus of the business or organization itself, Ford shares straight-forward practical solutions through authentic leadership training and individualized leadership consulting. With an empathetic intelligence derived from decades of experience with an array of people, personalities and companies both large and small, Ford helps to both define and navigate leadership in the business culture of today.

His trainings and talks are centered around removing constraints, equipping leaders and empowering people to become happy, successful, high performing individuals with healthy relationships both inside and outside of the workplace.

As a keynote speaker, Ford Taylor identifies and shares the tools and tactics to develop transformational leaders within every organization at every level.

From mom and pop to multimillion dollar businesses and mom and pop businesses that became multimillion dollar businesses, Ford has learned many lessons and tested just as many tools as he shares with every single person he meets. In his understanding that many have learned to manage people, he takes his trainings a number of steps further to show leaders how to lead people and how to manage the processes, systems, and procedures around them.

Ford Taylor is the founder of FSH Strategy Consultants and Transformational Leadership. He is the author of Relactional Leadership and directs a charitable international effort to provide Transformational Leadership to emerging countries worldwide.

Ford and his wife of 37 years, Sandra, live in the United States of America. They are the parents of three daughters named Whitney, Emily, and Quincy.


Pray The Prayer Covenant
