Prayer to See Others as Jesus Does

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Today, Ron Henry leads us in a prayer to see the world as Jesus sees the world. Ron is currently the Executive Director of Expansion for Marketplace Chaplains, a personalized and proactive employee care service since 1984 for employees in the workplace.

We can be of great influence in the marketplace and the community at large, if we can see it through Jesus’s eyes. To begin with, one of the fundamental truths is clearly stated in Galatians 2:20:

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself to me.

We need to recognize who we are in Christ, that He lives in us.

Twelve years ago, I traveled to India to speak at several Christian business leader conferences. This was shortly after the release of the Slumdog Millionaire movie, which gave US audiences a narrow impression of the Indian people.

On the flight over, God spoke to me in such a clear way. He wanted me to look at the Indian people through His eyes, to see this people group as He sees them. “Through their eyes, you will see their hearts.”

Wow! What a different perspective. I observed a beautiful, caring and proud people; maybe without all of the earthly wealth, but rich in family and community. I have never forgotten His words and that experience.

So, my questions for all of us today, in these challenging times:

  • Can we pause to observe, so we look at others with the eyes of Jesus?
  • Do we pause to observe, so that the words we speak are words of Jesus?
  • Do we pause, so that our thoughts reflect those of Jesus?

For me, until I pause, I cannot hear the Holy spirit and really receive the words of Jesus.

In the workplace, our marketplace chaplains are bringing God’s love, nonjudgmental and confidential care to workers and their family members every day, helping them navigate life. They are letting these individuals meet Jesus through their emotional and spiritual care. These chaplains observe the cares and needs and let their words and actions speak the heart of Jesus, reflecting what He sees, His words and actions.

Do we pause to observe, to listen? A good reminder is that one day we’ll be held accountable for all that we brought forth on Judgment Day. I would love to hear, “Well done.” Wouldn’t you?


Father, this day, we recommit that before speaking, before responding to others or situations, we pause; we observe and listen to the Holy Spirit to discern the manner, words and actions of Jesus.

Forgive us for damaging words and thoughts we projected in the workplace to workers and employees, not respecting or even giving consideration to what really is going on in their lives. May I fully grasp that You are sovereign over my life. Everything belongs to You.

When a situation arises, help me to understand that it is not about me. It is an attack on You, as You live in me. Help us to see others through your eyes, not through the eyes of media, friends, influencers, and so forth.

Help us to conduct ourselves as chaplains, to bring people into our lives as encouragement, for support and accountability, to really be part of a local Ecclesia. Help us embrace the truth that You own our companies. You own the company we work for. We work really for You, so we embrace your authority and respond to your direction.

Father, help us to wear the bracelet “What does Jesus see?” Help us to see like Jesus our spouse; our kids; our neighbors; our community; our employees; our coworkers; vendors; clients through your eyes, Father, recognizing that each person was your creation, so perfect.

Finally, may we, Father, embrace that in your Word in John 14:6, You made it very clear when Jesus said that He is the Way and the Truth. In His name. Amen.

God bless.

Ron Henry

Since entering the marketplace, Ron has had continuously demonstrated success in the “People Business,” from early years in the music industry to specializing in advisory and executive search services. He has directly and indirectly been responsible for the successful placement of over 2000 leaders in all industries. Since 2002, he has expanded his practice to include leadership roles and organizational consulting services with global/national/regional faith-based marketplace organizations. Ron is a recently ordained Minister of Reconciliation on the Business Mountain through Jesus Christ CEO’s Institute. He is currently the Executive Director of Expansion for Marketplace Chaplains, a personalized and proactive employee care service since 1984 for employees in the workplace.


 JCCEO’s Website

Marketplace Chaplain Website