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Today, Randy Forbes is leading us in a prayer for our elected leaders. Randy is a national leader on the front to protect religious freedom and liberty. He served in the United States Congress for 16 years and was a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. In 2005, he founded the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation – a bipartisan and bicameral official organization of Congress whose members would gather together before Session to pray. Now, Randy serves as the Senior Strategist and Senior Director of the National Strategic Center.
When you have served in government that long and get an opportunity to see the impact of government throughout our country, you realize that, when you hear people talk about the 7 Mountains of Culture that we hear referenced many times when we’re talking about faith issues, government is probably the single mountain that impacts all of the other mountains more than any other single mountain.
You understand the importance of listening to the warnings that we have, the admonitions that we have and the mandates that we have in the Scriptures to pray for people in authority, to pray for people in government.
Whether we’re looking in Timothy, that tells us specifically to do that, when Paul was referencing Timothy; or whether we’re seeing Proverbs, where it talks about when the righteous increase, the people rejoice; we know how important it is to have men and women of faith in government and to make sure that people are in government who are making decisions that keep faith alive in America.
It is my honor and my privilege to join with you in this 40 day prayer challenge, to come before the Lord and to pray for our government; that God would bless us; that He would continue to give us wisdom and direction; and that He would be honored in the men and women who serve in our government across the land.
Would you join me now as we pray:
Lord, we thank You so much for your Lordship. Father, we thank You for the privilege of living in this country.
Lord, we come today and we pray and petition your throne, Lord, asking for your blessings upon the individuals who are serving in government across this country. We pray, Lord, for these elections that are coming up, that You would put men and women in office who would honor You, men and women in office who You would have to serve in those capacities.
Lord, we pray that You would bless us at every level of government, whether it’s on a local level, a state level or federal level, in every position in government. Father, bless those people who serve in agencies and on boards and commissions.
Father, we pray that You bless our local mayors and our members of city council, boards of supervisors or individuals on school boards. Lord, we pray that You would also bless those in state government, whether they’re serving as governors, attorney generals or lieutenant governors; whether they’re serving as state legislators; or, Lord, whether they’re serving as members of the Cabinet.
Father, we pray that You would bless us on a federal level. Bless the president; the vice president; bless the members of the Senate and the House. Father, we pray that You would bless all those who serve on courts and render judicial decisions across this country.
Father, we pray now that your will would be done in the people that You send to office. Lord, we know that the hearts of the king rest in your hands.
We pray, Lord, that You would guide their decisions, You would guide their hearts, so that we could keep faith alive in America; and, Lord, that we could keep your name lifted up; and that we could have faith as a part of the marketplace of ideas in this great country.
Lord, it is today that we come collectively and ask that You would heal our land; and that You would bless us and guide us and help us to be a light for faith, not just for each of us here in this country, but throughout the world, for it is in the name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Randy Forbes
Randy began his career in private law practice, ultimately becoming a partner in the largest law firm in southeastern Virginia. From 1989-2001, he served the Commonwealth of Virginia in the General Assembly, first as a Member of the House of Delegates, then in the Virginia Senate. In 2001, Randy was elected to Congress where he represented Virginia’s 4th Congressional District for 16 years. He was a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Armed Services Committee.
Randy is a national leader on the front to protect religious freedom and liberty. In 2005 he founded the Congressional Prayer Caucus – a bipartisan and bicameral official organization of Congress – which quickly grew to over 100 members strong. Each week Members would gather together before Session to pray. The Caucus engaged on a number of legislative issues to include reinforcing religious freedom for all faiths in the military, supporting and protecting the autonomy of churches and faith-based organizations, and working to ensure every American is free to live according to their beliefs without fear of punishment by the government.
Randy has served as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island and as a University Fellow at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is on the Board of Directors for CSBA and he is the President of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation.
Randy and his wife Shirley have four children and three grandchildren, which Randy personally regards as his greatest achievement.
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