Roy Clark | Master the Gift of Empowerment for Rock-Solid Relationships!

 How to Develop Trust and Great Communication in Your Relationships

Roy Clark Eternal LeadershipRoy A. Clark has been involved in athletics, founded restaurants, become a youth pastor, started a mentoring program, grown a software company and currently runs an art studio. He attributes all of this to his ability to nurture relationships. As we reflect on our own relationships, both business and personal, he urges us to ask ourselves these critical questions:

  • Am I spending time with him/her?
  • Am I doing what I said I would do?
  • Am I listening?
The first question measures your time commitment to the person. The second question assesses your trustworthiness. The third question helps you evaluate the depth of communication between the two of you.
Communicating is a little bit about talking, and it’s a lot about listening. Roy A. Clark

How does one build trust? It requires these two simple but vital components :

  1. Take a risk
  2. Do what you said you will do

As a mentor, just show up and let your mentees talk. If they know that you will come back week after week, it will change the dynamic of that relationship because it will prove that you are worthy of their trust.

Trust requires proven risk.Roy A. Clark

Roy shares how to overcome fears that cripple us and prevent us from moving forward. Roy shares a powerful story about the “rock in the shoe” story to illustrate the point that a “little lie” about our limitations can grow into a huge, immovable boulder. By the way, Roy is the best storyteller I have met and you will love him!

We’ve been taught some errors and we need to replace those errors with truths. One error at a time. Roy A. Clark

For his final message, Roy encourages everyone to become a person who empowers other people. He uses the difference between a cesspool and a lake as a metaphor for having an amazing and fulfilling life. A cesspool has an inlet and no outlet, like us when we take from others but refuse to give back. A lake has an inlet and an outlet…like us when we pour ourselves into others’ lives even as we benefit from having meaningful relationships with them!

What You’ll Learn

  • Where does Roy’s passion come from?
  • The three most common excuses when someone is asked to be a mentor
  • The three legs of a healthy relationship
  • How to overcome self-imposed barriers that paralyze us
  • How to develop trusting relationships
  • The power of asking questions as a coach or as a mentor
  • How the Lord’s Prayer teaches us how to pray



RoyAClark Eternal LeadershipRoy A. Clark is a graduate of Calvin College in Grand Rapids. He is an author, inventor, innovator, and pastor. He inspires with his words and his work. Roy has designed unique works for both residential and commercial buildings.
