James Kramer | Mobilizing Christians to Operate as a Unified Force

How Can One Person Disciple a Nation?

James Kramer and his wife Anna started the World Changer Magazine, which is all about influencers changing culture. James focuses on aligning brands and business strategies to accelerate growth.

In this episode, James talks about his core belief that Christians should be on the leading edge of technology, innovation, design, and every sphere of culture.

Heaven is the source of all creativity. – James Kramer

If you are excellent at what you do, even people who are antithetical and opposed to you have to give you recognition.

Excellence buys us the privilege of being overt about our faith. – James Kramer

If you are going to talk about having influence in culture, you have to solve people’s problems. You have to build credibility. You have to be excellent. You have to be reliable. You have to actually come to them with a solution, not just a gripe.

James and Anna came up with the idea of the World Changer Network to serve as a platform to crowdsource solutions to problems that the world has not solved yet. It will serve as the hub where people with the same goals can “meet” and combine their different skills and resources to accelerate problem-solving.

You know that your mind has been transformed when the impossible seems possible. – Bill Johnson

You are called to do the impossible. It’s not your skills or your background or your experience that qualifies you. It’s God that qualifies you. God is literally the One who put the thoughts and the desire inside of you. You’re not crazy to wonder if you can change the world. You’re called to do it!

You are designed for impact. Take courage. And infuse other people with courage. When they say that they are called to do something great for the Kingdom, believe them. Stand with them. We are called to do the impossible.

What You’ll Learn

  • How can we influence and shape culture around us?
  • What is “business in Ministry”
  • The power and ability of just a couple of people to change the situation in an organization even when things are stacked against them
  • Why some Christians oppose having the Kingdom in every aspect of culture
  • What does “bringing the atmosphere of Heaven” into day-to-day spheres of culture
  • What factor has created “anemic” apostles, prophets, teachers, and evangelists… and what can be done to correct it?
  • What is the World Changer Network and how does it aim to crowdsource solutions to problems that have not been solved yet?



James Kramer is the CEO of Pneuma 33 Creative. He aligns brands with business strategy to accelerate growth and influence. He believes Christians should be leading culture and transforming nations by accessing heaven’s creativity. He and his beautiful bride, Anna, co-founded Pneuma33 Creative.