Dr. James Dobson | Life After the Valley Part 2

How do you live a full life despite the tragedies?

We continue with Family Talk’s interview of John Ramstead in today’s episode of the podcast.


In this episode John shares with Dr.Dobson the ordeal he went through due to the accident, how he was feeling and what he was thinking during the lowest points of his life. He shares his moments of doubts and how God allowed for him to use his pain to become a blessing to others.

John also shares the difference between joy and happiness and how true joy only comes from your intimate relationship with the creator.

There’s a big difference between joy and happiness. Joy comes internally with the relationship that you have with God who created us. Happiness is something that comes externally. – John RamsteadJohn Ramstead
With all the trials that John has surpassed, his accident is sure to be the one that made him do what he now does- to live a life beyond influence, a life of significance. He shares how God used his accident to change his perspective on life and how finding people who have the same values and beliefs as you do can greatly help propel you towards the fulfilment of God’s purpose for your life.

God doesn’t always promise us an explanation or even the  answers, but what he does promise is to walk with us through it. He will not leave you. – John RamsteadJohn Ramstead
So join us for this week’s episode of the podcast and be blessed as John shares how you can turn your sorrow, your pain and difficulty to opportunities to tell people about Christ and be a blessing to the world.

What You Will Learn

  • How your trials and struggles in life are God’s way of bringing you closer to your purpose
  • Scriptures to inspire you whatever situation or challenges you may be facing in life now
  • The real valid worries that clouded John’s mind while he was in the hospital and what he did to overcome them
  • How to see signs from God that are pointing you towards your life’s purpose
  • How being with the right crowd or group of people help you in your journey towards discovering your purpose


Bio John Ramstead

John has been married for 25 years to his best friend and has three incredible boys.  It has been three years since a near fatal accident has changed the trajectory of his life.  Without the incredible support of God, his family and amazing friends he wouldn’t be the person he is today.

As he recovered he sought direction on why God saved him and what He now wants John to do.  God gave John a new calling: take the life He’s given him and pour it into other leaders to equip and inspire them to work in His Kingdom.

John’s twenty-five years as a Navy fighter pilot, entrepreneur, Fortune 500 management team member and board chair has led him to serve others towards extraordinary lives, businesses and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.